Client Centered Therapy

This form of therapy focusses on the client's own qualities and potentials. Not only are physical and psychological complaints counteracted. Also general welfare in terms of happiness, giving meaning to life and physical health is increased, in addition to reducing the risk of relapse in complaints and difficulties.

Client Centered psychotherapy focuses on the whole person, not just on the symptoms or complaints. Often, blockades have arisen in client’s life and he or sheis losing one’s grips. Client Centered psychotherapy helps clients to recognize this and teaches how to handle it. Clients often learn how to utilize their own potentials and to recognize their limitations.

The attitude of the therapist and the working  alliance with the client are central to the process during a  Client Centered psychotherapy.

In this process the client is accepted in the way he or she is. The therapist tries to connect as closely as possible to the client's experience. This promotes the development of a good working  alliance.

Within this intensive working  alliance, symptoms, complaints and psychological problems are explored with attentively within  the course of client’s life and within the current situation of the client.In this way, the client can learn to recognize, appreciate and accept his  her own feelings, beliefs and way of thinking. This allows the client to become aware of the choices he or she is making.

The desired reduction of complaints or symptoms is a consequence of this broad and personalized approach. The premisses are that it is people themselves that can feel best and know best what they want and  that they can choose what they do and don’t. It is not realy the therapist that teaches or give advice. The therapist helps the client to feel and to become aware.

 Client Centered Therapy link:  Vereniging  Clientgerichte Psychotherapy - The website of the VCgP, includes an archive of publications about  Client Centered Therapy.