Practical Information
Opening hours
The practice is open on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The practice can be reached by telephone during working hours through number 06 44 360 802. You are then requested to leave a message so that the therapist can call you back. In very urgent cases that cannot be postponed until the next working day, calls can also be made outside these hours.
In the event of a serious crisis outside office hours, you can contact the GP post, telephone number 070-346 9669 This person can put you in touch with the mental health care crisis service.
To be able to use psychotherapy, a referral letter from the general practitioner for psychotherapy is required for every client, unless it concerns therapy that will not reimbursed by the insurance.
You are requested to bring this referral letter with you to the first appointment. No therapy can be started without this referral letter. The referral letter must state that it concerns SGGZ (Specialized GGZ) and a (suspicion of) a DSM-5 diagnoses must be mentioned.
In addition, the client must show a valid proof of insurance for the medical expenses and a valid ID at the first contact.
Our practice has contracts for 2021 with the following insurers and their associated other brands:
Aevita (ASR)
Avéro Achmea
De Friesland
Delta Lloyd
In Twente Zorgverzekering
Stad Holland
Zilveren Kruis
Zorg en Zekerheid
Therapies are in principle being reimbursed from the basic package of the health insurance: Specialized Psychiatric and Psychotherapeutic care (2nd line).
As of January 1, 2013, the following treatments are no longer reimbursed by health insurance policies: Adjustment disorders, Partner relationship problems, Parent-child relationship problems, Anti-social behavior in adults, children or adolescents, Grief reaction, Study and professional problems, Identity problem, Religious or mental problem, Acculturation problem and Life stage problem.
These disorders and problems are considered by the Dutch Healthcare Authority to belong to life itself and to be resolved within the “participation society”.
The rates for treatments that fall under the insured care of the health insurers are set in the contract concluded by the practitioner with the health insurer and are a certain percentage - determined unilaterally by the health insurer - of the rates determined by the NZA. The Other (healthcare) Product OZP Rate applies to non-insured assistance: The maximum OZP rate for the 'ozp non-basic package care consultation' performance, determined by the NZa, is for 2021: € 105.00 per session of 45 minutes.
The above NZa rate also applies to clients who want to pay for the treatment themselves. A number of insurance policies offer the possibility of an allowance for these costs through the Supplementary Insurance. This must be investigated and effected by the client himself.
There is a minimum statutory personal contribution for medical expenses for everyone. In most cases this amount will be collected by the health insurance afterwards.
A file must be created for each client in which the content and progress of the therapy are kept. The legal retention period for this file is 15 years, unless the client requests the therapist in writing to destroy the file after the therapy has ended.
The therapist has committed himself to the professional code of the National Association of Independent Psychologists and Psychotherapists (LVVP). This means, among other things, that he has a duty of confidentiality with regard to everything that has to do with your contact with the therapist. In addition, the therapist adheres to the regulations of the Medical Treatment Agreement Act (WGBO) and the Personal Data Protection Act (WBP).
Absence of therapist
In the case of absence of the therapist due to illness or vacation, the practice for urgent matters will be taken over by colleagues. The names of these colleagues will be announced in a timely manner.
Questionnaires / ROM
The therapist will present clients with electronic questionnaires at the start of the treatment, after a few sessions and at the end of the treatment in order to be able to follow the course of the treatment more objectively. Clients are requested to complete these questionnaires as soon as possible.
Your therapist actively participates in peer review with colleagues. This means that twice a month several psychotherapists meet to discuss their ongoing treatments - anonymously - and to provide each other with feedback. Intervision is partly intended to keep the quality of the treatments as high as possible. Video recordings are sometimes used in the context of increasing professionalism
This recording is primarily for the psychotherapist himself, in order to further analyze his working method. Occasionally the psychotherapist will want to discuss his working method with a supervisor. For using the recording, permission will first be requested from the client. Recordings are not saved.
No Show
In case the client has to cancel the therapy session for any reason, this must be done at least one working day before the scheduled appointment. If the client cancels the appointment too late, an invoice for € 105.00 will be sent to him. The health insurance does not reimburse missed appointments.
If problems arise between you and the therapist that you cannot resolve together, regarding the therapy or the treatment, you have the option of contacting the Dutch Association of Independent Psychotherapists, Maliebaan 87, 3581 CG Utrecht.
The practice has committed itself to the professional code of the National Association of Independent Psychologists and Psychotherapists (LVVP). This means, among other things, that a duty of confidentiality applies with regard to everything that has to do with your contact with the practice. In addition, the practice adheres to the regulations of the Medical Treatment Agreement Act (WGBO) and the Personal Data Protection Act (WBP).
If you are not satisfied with your treatment, you can always discuss this with your therapist. Often these are misunderstandings that can be resolved in a conversation. If this does not work out, there is the option to file a complaint.
For further information about the professional code, complaints procedure and addresses, the therapist refers you to the Professional Association of Independent Psychotherapists
The complaints committee of the LVVP. Attn. N. van den Burg Box 13086 3507 LB Utrecht The e-mail address is:
Quality statute
A Quality Statute for mental health care from this practice has been established. A copy of this quality statute is available at the office of the therapist and is available on request.
The practice has committed itself to the KNGM reporting code regarding child abuse and domestic violence. This reporting code also applies unchanged to parental abuse, human trafficking, honor-related violence, sexual violence, violence against men, violence against women and all kinds of other special forms of violence.